Aside from serving as office space, the Cyber Physical Networking (CPN) Lab in the Schorr Center also serves as an indoor wireless sensor network (WSN) testbed for different purpose. The ceiling could be used to hold a mesh of TelosB motes, as seen below.

Each mote is connected to a server via USB for programming and monitoring. The status of each of these nodes can be seen by clicking here, a preview is shown below.

The ceiling could also be utilized as power supply platform for experiments based on motes like beaglebone black (BBB), which can be seen in follow photograph.

Though the ceiling configuration allows for quick deployment and testing of code, it suffers from surface reflections. This frame (below) is suspended from the ceiling; when the motes transmit a low powers, the reflected signals are minimized. It also allows for specific placement of motes. It is made of wood and fishing line.
The suspended frame with motes hanging from it.

This is a link to the outdoor, underground testbed at Clay Center, NE.